Organic Red Turmeric (Curcuma Longa) - 15 Pounds ($8.33/lb Clipped)
Clipped vs Unclipped red turmeric
Do you want to get our same beautiful, high quality, organic Florida turmeric at a 10% discount? Do you have some time on your hands? If you answered yes to both of those questions, you can now buy our organic red turmeric with the fine roots, or ‘hairs’ unclipped and do it yourself. See the video below for an example of the clipping process, and the photo in the gallery of turmeric root before and after clipping.
See what it’s like to clip the fine root hairs off the turmeric yourself, for a 10% discount
When fresh and tender, the rind of the turmeric is soft and easy to chew or grate like ginger. It can be juiced to make a more potent serving, and can add a kick to your overall juice mixture or smoothie. Cooking with it provides dishes with an excellent earthy and peppery flavor that can transform a bland food like cauliflower or rice into something more interesting. Adding it to greens like collards and chard or soups is also a wonderful option. Try even making a tea by steeping some turmeric with milk and honey for a delightfully comforting beverage.
Fresh organic red turmeric
Turmeric has many medicinal properties, all deriving from its powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant effect. The curcumin chemical within it is the main active ingredient responsible for all the health benefits. As it is now believed that chronic, low-level inflammation plays a major role in almost every chronic Western disease, turmeric has a long list of conditions that can be powerful to help treat humans. This includes heart disease, arthritis, GI diseases, cancer, metabolic syndrome, Alzheimer’s and various degenerative conditions. The best thing about using curcumin for medicinal purposes over traditional medical approaches is its lack of side effects!
Our Turmeric is certified as organic by Americert International, and all parts of the growing, sorting, and packing process are completed at our facility, here in Newberry, Florida.
Free shipping within the continental USA, shipped as a single 15 pound box.