Certified Organic TURMERIC
Now accepting orders! Thank you, brian. 772-559-2151.
(free shipping within the continental USA)
We are a wholesale producer of turmeric but we also offer small quantities direct. Our Turmeric is certified as organic by Americert International, and all parts of the growing, sorting, and packing process are completed at our facility, here in Newberry, Florida.
What is Turmeric?
We grow and sell turmeric of the Red Hawaiian variety seedstock. Through our own seed saving of the largest rhizomes (and good fertility) we produce turmeric that is larger than most . We call it the “White Rabbit Giant” variety. I don’t know what the legalities of botany and species are, but it is big turmeric, it’s my turmeric, and I call it ” Giant Turmeric “. Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is native to South Asia and is in the same family as ginger. Fresh Turmeric “roots” are technically rhizomes that grow in fleshy clusters similar to ginger, but not always quite as large in size. The roots have a bright yellow-orange color and are the part of the plant used for cooking, dyes, and powders. It has been a popular seasoning in many Middle Eastern dishes for thousands of years, mostly ones that include curry. It is also used as a colorant for certain foods like cheeses and butter and is a great dye for clothing, soap, and cosmetics. Fresh Turmeric has a livelier and juicier flavor than dehydrated turmeric, but both have been described as having a peppery, warm, bitter flavor.
Health Benefits of Turmeric
Turmeric has many medicinal properties, all deriving from its powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant effect. The curcumin chemical within it is the main active ingredient responsible for all the health benefits. As it is now believed that chronic, low-level inflammation plays a major role in almost every chronic Western disease, turmeric has a long list of conditions that can be powerful to help treat humans. This includes heart disease, arthritis, GI diseases, cancer, metabolic syndrome, Alzheimer’s and various degenerative conditions. The best thing about using curcumin for medicinal purposes over traditional medical approaches is its lack of side effects!
When examining the research, turmeric benefits go beyond that of these 10 drugs: Sourced from: https://draxe.com/turmeric-benefits/
Anti-inflammatory drugs
Anti-depressants (Prozac)
Anti-coagulants (Aspirin)
Pain killers
Diabetes drugs (Metformin)
Arthritis medications
Inflammatory bowel disease drugs
Cholesterol drugs (Lipitor)
All of this considered, just consuming fresh turmeric by itself as a spice would be hard to receive maximum levels of medicinal benefits. The curcumin content of the turmeric root is not that high, usually around 3%, by weight. Therefore, juicing is one of the best ways to receive the most concentrated health benefits of curcumin in fresh turmeric. An efficient way to do this is to juice a bunch at once , say a 5 lb. box, and use styrofoam egg cartons or ice cube trays to freeze it. Then just pop out a cube of frozen turmeric juice for your smoothie, golden milk,etc. No wasted turmeric, get the juicer cleaned up once from orange turmeric stain. We suggest an auger style wheatgrass type juicer for turmeric as it really wrings all the juice out, more so than a centrifugal style.
Different ways to enjoy Turmeric
When fresh and tender, the rind of the turmeric is soft and easy to chew or grate like ginger. It can be juiced to make a more potent serving, and can add a kick to your overall juice mixture or smoothie. Cooking with it provides dishes with an excellent earthy and peppery flavor that can transform a bland food like cauliflower or rice into something more interesting. Adding it to greens like collards and chard or soups is also a wonderful option. Try even making a tea by steeping some turmeric with milk and honey for a delightfully comforting beverage.
The results are in!
We’ve had our Fresh, Organic, Florida whole turmeric root tested at an independent laboratory facility and it is extremely low in heavy metals. Some categories, such as lead and mercury, were even too low to measure! So, when you buy White Rabbit Turmeric, you can be confident that you’re getting the cleanest, healthiest organic turmeric available!
White Rabbit organic turmeric heavy metals testing results
White Rabbit organic turmeric testing comparison
A labor of love (and a lot of labor)
Growing Turmeric requires a lot of hand labor throughout most of the season.
Our Turmeric is certified as organic by Americert International, and all parts of the growing, sorting, and packing process are completed right here at our facility. The growing season for Turmeric here is best from April through November, and it is available for sale from December through May.
Each root is planted by hand in individual holes, covered with dirt, and watered in carefully.
From April through November we must continue to water the plants with drip irrigation and weed around them by hand. We also apply by hand, various organic nutritional amendments to the foliage and the soil throughout the entire growing season.
A machine can lift the plants from the ground but each individual plant must still be picked up, carried from the field, washed, and sorted all by hand.
After being dried on racks, the turmeric is graded and packed in boxes by hand.
We can ship to anywhere in the continental USA, providing discounts on bulk orders. We offer quantities 2, 5, 10, and 30 pounds through our website, with special pricing available on larger orders and smaller quantities available for local purchase from Peterson’s Groves and Nursery.